Find your wellness at Kaya Holistic Wellness coaching

Find your wellness Kaya Holistic Wellness

Kaya Holistic Wellness coaching all bodies are good bodies

Find your wellness Kaya Holistic Wellness

Find your wellness Kaya Holistic Wellness

Learn to meditate Kaya Holistic Wellness

Find your wellness Kaya Holistic Wellness

Find your zen Kaya Holistic Wellness

Our Values


All bodies are good bodies. Everyone has the ability to find their unique wellness. That does not have to include changing our bodies (although that may be a side effect of making healthier choices.)


We all have an intuitive knowing and we can feel it when we move toward alignment. When our physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual selves are nourished, we are in alignment with our highest self.


Wellness is not have a “one size fits all.” It looks different for each of us. Wellness is not a body shape, an aesthetic, an age, a gender, or a race. The wellness space needs to expand beyond small, white, affluent bodies.