I had a session with a celebrity exorcist

It is definitely not as sensational as it sounds, but it’s still pretty interesting.

I first came across R.H. (Rachel) Stavis, author of Sister of Darkness and exorcist to the stars, on the podcast Ghosted! by Roz Hernandez. She is a fan favorite guest and has been on three times but I never listened to any of her episodes. I don’t really like “demon” content in horror movies or stories, so I wasn’t really interested in listening to whatever an exorcist had to talk about. Then, Roz shared a video clip from one of the episodes on her social media. Rachel was so funny, down to earth, and no-bullshit that I immediately loved her. I tried to find the clip but unfortunately, it looks like it has been taken down. I went back and listened to her episodes. Then, I immediately bought Sister of Darkness to read. It’s a great book, I highly recommend it. It’s a spiritual memoir of sorts that is well written and highly entertaining.

After I finished the podcast episodes, I also followed Rachel on Instagram. To be honest, I initially followed because she’s beautiful and hot. However, after reading the book and engaging with her content, I really enjoyed the things that she shared – and I still do. It was years before I considered getting on her waiting list for a remote session. 

I had a cleansing with a celebrity exorcist
My altar space and floor cleared for my remote cleansing.

What is a non-denominational exorcism?

While Rachel refers to herself as an exorcist, she is a non-denominational exorcist. She is not affiliated with any church or religious group. She has the ability to physically see what she calls entity (aka attachments, aka demons) and that makes her very unique. She explains it in her book but also on the many podcasts she has been a guest on, not just Ghosted! Although, if you like comedy, the paranormal, and general queerness, you will like Roz. Beyond the ability to physically see entity, her beliefs about them are pretty much in line with conventional beliefs: negative entities seek out and can attach to those who are vulnerable. When we have lower vibration (or spiritual energy) due to things like depression or other mental illness; physical illness; addiction; or emotional trauma, to name a few things, we are more vulnerable to attachment. She also works with her client’s energy to remove things like trauma. Part of her work is focused on infertility. Some people might refer to her as a “light-worker” but her aesthetic is definitely more macabre, in spite of being one of the “good guys.” She’s way more Elvira than she is Glinda the good witch, in a good way! So unlike what you see in horror films, her exorcisms do not involve dousing people in holy water and screaming “the power of Christ compels you!”

Why did i decide i wanted a remote cleansing?

Before I broke my leg in January 2024, I had been struggling with some situational depression for about 3 weeks. I was going to work and functioning fine but in my down-time I was lying on the couch, playing The Legend of Zelda and feeling numb. After I broke my leg, I developed a rare neurological pain disorder called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The combination of those things made me wonder if I had been vulnerable to attachment. I think that I part of me hoped that the CRPS was due to some metaphysical or supernatural cause and that maybe an “exorcism” might heal it. I had been following Rachel for several years at this point and already used the incense blend that she recommended in her book on a regular basis. When she posted in spring of 2024 that she was opening up sessions for September and gave information on how to join the waiting list, I impulsively joined it. To my surprise, I was contacted in May and given the information about sessions and how to book if I wanted to. I had just had my second nerve block to treat CRPS at that point and was walking with a cane. I still had significant swelling in my foot and ankle which caused mobility and endurance issues. I talked it over with my spouse and decided that it made sense to do it. Like I said, a part of me really wanted an easy way to cure my CRPS and make sure that I didn’t have to worry about not being able to walk in the future.


Complex regional pain syndrome CRPS still walking with a cane
Still using my cane to walk with CRPS in May 2024

Finally the day of the cleansing arrived

The summer went by quickly and my third nerve block actually returned me to 94-99% of my original mobility. Still, I really wanted to know – did I have an attachment? As the session got closer, I worried that I was going to be disappointed. Potentially, I could lose respect for someone that I really liked. I admittedly don’t trust people easily. “What if it turns out she’s just a really great writer who is also a scammer?” I worried.
“What if her assistant just emails me and tells me to burn some incense and lie down for an hour and I just have to trust she is actually doing something?”

In the directions her assistant sent, I was told to call a number on Skype at the time of my session. This of course made me nervous because phone calls make me nervous. As it turned out, I did have a video call with Rachel herself, who was in the same chair she uses for all of her social media videos. She asked why I wanted the session and I explained why. I keep using the term “cleansing” as opposed to “exorcism” because she did let me know that she did not see any attachment, which to be honest was a relief. Since I did not have an attachment, she would be removing old trauma and negative energy as opposed to entity. She gave me instructions on what to do and also said that because I am a “severe empath” (what she calls empaths who can pick up on the emotions of the dead as well as the living) I would be able to physically feel it. She gave a couple examples of what I might feel and we ended the call. I set a timer and laid down on my rug between some candles.

What does a remote cleansing feel like?

I found that she was correct, I did have distinct and different physical sensations throughout much of the 40 minutes that she had me lie down for the session. I almost immediately felt sensations around my head. I felt hot and cold at different times and I really should not have felt cold at any point because my home office is always the warmest room in the house. Plus, as you can see from the first picture above, I had put two pillows over the crack at the bottom of the door. I was burning incense and I did not want the dogs to breathe any of it in if they came to the door to spy on me, as they often like to do. I felt some popping sensations at times. I was very surprised at how quickly 40 minutes passed with me just lying there. I did feel lighter at the end of the session, as she had said that I would. Having just taken Reiki 2, it seemed familiar and I felt that she must be doing some type of remote energy work. There are many types of energy work, not just reiki.


Was it worth it?

Rachel said that she would send me an email after three days to let me know what she had found and with instructions. As with the cleansing, I was really surprised and impressed with the email that I received. She confirmed that I was a severe empath and gave me instructions for multiple things to do daily to help with that. She said that she removed some old trauma and negative energy and that there had been a lot around my neck and shoulders, so I should feel a difference. I had already noticed that my neck and shoulders, “where I carry all of my tension and stress,” as I often tell massage therapists, were significantly less tight and sore. It has been almost a month since the cleansing and I do feel better overall. It did not cure my CRPS but she does not and has not to my knowledge ever claimed to cure physical illnesses. It’s not a “miracle healing” service. Truth be told if it was, I wouldn’t have done it because I wouldn’t have believed in it anyway. I had hoped that maybe something external to me was causing the CRPS but it’s just my nervous system. Knowing myself, it is unsurprising that my nervous system is both sensitive and overactive.

I have been doing the things that Rachel told me to do, and I do find them helpful. I think that it was worth the time and the money that I paid. Rachel said that she has a waiting list of over 6,000 people and her assistant chooses people randomly or intuitively. I genuinely do not know why I was picked, except that it has assisted me with some mental blocks I had in my spiritual journey. That could well have been the negative energy she mentioned. I could say that Spirit knew it was time for those blocks to be removed but I know it could also have been nothing more than my own skeptical mind blocking me. Either way, it was helpful.


What you can do if you are interested in an exorcism or Learning more

Sister of darkness RH Stavis
Sister of darkness by R.H. Stavis


I highly recommend following @RHStavis on social media and reading Sister of Darkness. She gives a lot of great information away for free on her social media. She talks about blends that you can use in incense or diffuse to help with various things. She shares “songs from the dead” that she hears as a medium. She also shares information about astrology and similar things. She has said that 2024 has been the year that narcissistic and damaging relationships would be ending, whether or not we were ready to let them go. I have certainly seen that at work in the lives of my clients and to a lesser extent myself, since I have a very small, select circle these days.

I am currently doing her mediumship prompts with a “spirit buddy” which are also free on her Instagram. I will definitely be blogging about my experience with that, it’s already been pretty cool and the first exercise isn’t even over yet.

You can also join Rachel’s waiting list by visiting her website and sending a message, as a friend of mine did after hearing about my experience.



Just in case I need to say this, I paid for my session and did not receive any sort of discount. None of this post is sponsored in any way. She has plenty of publicity, she does not need my little blog! 🙂

Stacey Aldridge

Stacey Aldridge

I am the founder of Kaya Holistic Wellness. Eventually, that will be something more but currently it is a blog. You can learn more about me here, if you want.


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